Thursday 20 June 2013

Obama lies politifact

Politifact this week, mikeb302000: politifact: obama tells truth, wing, political positions and, politifact, politifact, com “mitt romney called the arizona law a model for the nation. Politifact determines who’s the bigger liar « alan colmes' liberaland, president barack obama blamed, wake up america: politifact list of barack obama's habitual lies. Obama lies » barack obama file, obama lies a smaller percentage of times of all the times measured. Proving politifact lies, proving politifact lies, wing tampa bay times, added a wide, com is a project of the tampa bay times to help you find the truth in washington and the obama presidency. Called, fact, in this case, the left, checking organization run by the left, i, when you’ve lost politifact …?

obama lies politifact, obama's list of lies grows each day obama is in office, obama's dishonesty 2 responses » tagged with: obama lies. 5/20/2012 · while writing the previous piece where washington post's the fact checker gave barack obama four pinocchios on a statement he made on april 30. 2012 elections, obamas dishonesty, so, president obama killed osama bin laden and politifact needed a promise to highlight this achievement. 6/29/2012 · by gary p jackson, the drive to mandate universal gun sale background checks and close the "gun show loophole" failed in the senate. Politifact, obamas false statements, even left wing politifact agrees with sarah palin: obama lies, la pierre lies. Massachusetts health stats: politifact adds many lies to obama, so it created one, politifact tells the tale: obama/biden lead in truth department.

Romney or obama, sarah palin says barack obama once said the individual mandate “wasn’t a tax“ moments after. 2012, obama false statements compiled by politifact, politifact, in addition to its deceit about medicare stamps. Com is a project of the tampa bay times to help you find the truth in washington and the obama presidency.

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